(Did It Myself Projects)
This section contains information on a number of projects I have done myself (or in some cases in co-operation with someone). I do realize that some of these tasks may not be easily performed by everyone. However, most people can do much more than they ever imagine.

The biggest obstacle is finding good sources of material (more on that where appropriate). Another major problem may be the finding the machines needed to do some of the work. I have been lucky in that area since friends of mine allowed me access to the machines I needed. This should not, however, scare anyone from starting this kind of project. Lack of access to machinery may be overcome through more time consuming work with hand tools. Where actually required you can get help from a local machine shop for a limited cost.

I hope that names of the different selections explain enough (if not, go in and check just in case it might be useful). Please take a look and be inspired to do something yourself!

Birch and beech trees in spring with a granite wall as background.
Mölndal, Sweden
